We are so happy to announce a partnership that has been in the works for a few months now.
Wheelhouse Workshop is partnering up with other professionals in the applied gaming world to create the Game to Grow Webisode Project. It is part of a larger movement we’re spearheading to create a collaborative space for therapists, teachers, and community members to discuss, share, and celebrate how they are using games to create positive growth and change for their clients, classrooms, and communities.
We have created the intro video, and will be having monthly panel-style webisodes featuring contributors from around the world. Stay tuned for more updates!
Partners include Jack Berkenstock of The Bodhana Group, Sarah Lynne Bowman, Peter Martin and Grant Woodward from Saving the Game, and Hawke Robinson of The RPG Research Project.
We’re so excited about this project!
Do you or someone you know use games for growth and chance? Let us know! We’re building a list of collaborators to have on show! Send an email to gametogrow@gmail.com.